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White Knight Chronicles



White Knight Chronicles sword skills White Knight Chronicles Longsword skills White Knight Chronicles Elemental Magic Skills White Knight Chronicles Spear Skills
White Knight Chronicles Axe Skills White Knight Chronicles Bow Skills White Knight Chronicles Divine Magic Skills 


  • Название - название умения.
  • SP - количество очков умения необходимое для его открытия.
  • AC - количество Action Chips необходимых для использования умения.
  • MP - количество MP необходимых для использования умения.
  • Тип пов. - тип повреждения.
  • Атрибут - принадлежность умение к одной из характеристик.
  • Описание - описание умения.
  • Открытие - получение умения. Если в графе стоит 2, то значит вам сперва необходимо выучить умение под номером 2, чтобы открыть нужное умение. 


Название SP AC MP Тип пов. Атрибут Описание Открытие
1 Staff Strike - 0 - Strike + 1 STR/INT Basic attack -
2 Staff Wallop 1 0 - Strike + 1 STR/INT Horizontal Attack -
3 Staff Smite 1 1 - Strike + 2 STR/INT Basic heavy attack 2
4 Pummel 2 2 - Strike + 3 STR/INT A 2 hit attack 3
5 Divine Shock 4 3 15 Strike + 5 RES Attack your enemy with force knocking them back  
6 Kibble Prod 1 0 - Thrust + 1 DEX/INT Hit the enemy with the head of your Weapon 36
7 Troll Prod 1 1 - Thrust + 2 DEX/INT Using force to push away the enemy 2
8 Propel 1 0 - Strike + 1 STR Fling your target into the air 37
9 Launch 1 1 - Strike + 2 STR/INT Hit with explosive power sending your target into the air 8
10 Flame Staff 1 0 2 Strike + 1, Fire + 2 INT/RES Attack with a rod of fire -
11 Flameshock 1 1 5 Thrust + 1, Fire + 2 INT/RES Stab the enemy with a rod of fire 7, 10
12 Fire Spirit's Ire 2 2 10 Strike + 2, Fire + 3 INT/RES Heavy fire attack 4, 10, 38
13 Ice Staff 1 0 2 Thrust + 1, Ice + 2 INT/RES Attack with a rod of ice -
14 Iceshock 1 1 5 Thrust + 1, Ice + 2 INT/RES Stab the enemy with a rod of ice 7, 13
15 Ice Spirit's Ire 2 2 10 Thrust + 2, Ice + 3 INT/RES Heavy Ice Attack 4, 14, 38
16 Wind Staff 1 0 2 Slash + 1, Wind + 2 INT/RES Attack with a rod of wind -
17 Windshock 1 1 5 Slash + 1, Wind + 2 INT/RES Stab the enemy with a rod of wind 7, 16
18 Wind Spirit's Ire 2 2 10 Slash + 2, Wind + 3 INT/RES Heavy Wind attack 4, 17, 38
19 Earth Staff 1 0 2 Strike + 1, Earth + 2 INT/RES Attack with a rod of earth -
20 Earthshock 1 1 5 Strike + 1, Earth + 2 INT/RES Stab with a rod of earth 7, 19
21 Earth Spirit's Ire 2 2 10 Strike + 2, Earth + 3 INT/RES Heavy earth attack 4, 20, 38
22 Sandman's Mark 1 0 0 Thrust + 1, Sleep effect INT With all the power of the esoteric Buddhism of sleep, you send your target to sleep 36
23 Mana Parasite 2 2 0 MP absorption   Special skill to restore some MP 29, 31, 40
24 Nature Meld 1 0 8 Hide   Switch the enemy's attention to another player 36
25 Stealth Magic 1 0 8 Evasion rate Up   Increase a targets evasion rate 38
26 Thieves' Magic 1 1 13 Steal   Steal your targets treasure but has a chance or raising the enemy attack power 38
27 Pray 3 0 20 AC Recover   Restore a small amount of AC 40
28 Spell Boost 1 0 4 Magic Power UP, Magic Defense Down   Increase targets Magic Power but lowers magic defense 37
29 Magic Boost 2 0 8 Magic Power Up, Magic Defense Down   Greatly increase targets magic attack power but lowers magic defense 39
30 Spell Barrier 1 0 4 Magic Defense Up, Magic Power Down   Increase targets magic defense but lowers magic power 37
31 Magic Barrier 2 0 8 Magic Defense Up, Magic Power Down   Greatly increases Magic Defense but lowers magic power 39
32 Fire Spirit Possession 3 2 - Increase Fire attribute   Target is possessed by fire, Raises fire power and defense 12, 40
33 Ice Spirit Possession 3 2 - Increase Ice attribute   Target is possessed by Ice, Raises Ice power and defense 15, 40
34 Wind Spirit Possession 3 2 - Increase Wind attribute   Target is possessed by Wind, Raises Wind power and defense 18, 40
35 Earth Spirit Possession 3 2 - Increase Earth attribute   Target is possessed by Earth, Raises Earth power and defense 21, 40
36 Staff Master 1 - -     Unlocks new skills and create 3 hit combos
37 Staff Master 2 1 - -     Unlocks new skills and create 4 hit combos 36
38 Staff Master 3 2 - -     Unlocks new skills and create 5 hit combos 37
39 Staff Master 4 3 - -     Unlocks new skills and create 6 hit combos 38
40 Staff Master 5 4 - -     Unlocks new skills and create 7 hit combos 39
41 MP Up 2 - - MP + 20   Add bonus value to MP 36
42 MP Up 2 - - MP + 20   Add bonus value to MP 37, 41
43 MP Up 3 - - MP + 20   Add bonus value to MP 38, 42
44 MP Up 3 - - MP + 20   Add bonus value to MP 39, 43
45 MP Up 3 - - MP + 20   Add bonus value to MP 40, 44
46 INT Up 2 - - INT + 2   Add bonus value to INT 36
47 INT Up 2 - - INT + 2   Add bonus value to INT 38, 46
48 INT Up 3 - - INT + 3   Add bonus value to INT 40, 47
49 SPR Up 2 - - Spirit + 2   Add bonus value to Spirit 37
50 SPR Up 2 - - Spirit + 2   Add bonus value to Spirit 39, 49